Is this you?

❊ Stuck. You really believe that there’s more for you, and maybe you even have the dream and the vision all layed out. But life gets in the way, or something is holding you back.

❊You’ve forgotten how to dream. After all, you have to be the grown-up, the practical one.

❊Feeling the loss – launching kids to college, losing our parents, going through divorce.

❊ Frazzled, foggy, feeling “off”, anxious, not sleeping well, hot flashes, can’t lose weight. And you may feel like you’ve tried EVERYTHING.

❊ Your life is one long to-do list. Who else will get it all done? 
And you? You’re at the bottom – way down there. You’ve hear the term “self-care” but you *might* roll your eyes at it, because there’s no time OR you know that true self-care has to be more than just netflix-binges, bubble baths and pedicures.

❊ You tell yourself to be grateful for what you have, but the old messages play over and over in your head, and you just can’t seem to out-run them. The real truth is that you’re not truly happy. You want more.

❊ You’ve got big dreams to _________ (write your book… travel… start your own business…). But something is holding you back.

❊ You KNOW something needs to change (because the S#!%s about to hit the fan). You want to start a new job…..have more time for travel…connect more deeply in your relationships… say no to yet another project or commitment. But the story you tell yourself is getting in the way.

❊ What if things never change? What’s the cost of doing nothing?
What if you’re making the same wish 5, 10, 30 years from now. (This is the scariest of all.)

Whew! That’s a lot!
I invite you to take a moment – take a deep breath.
Imagine we’re walking along a beautiful creek, or we’re sitting in a cozy safe space, and there is time for you to ponder and share…..
How would you rather feel?
What is holding you back?
When do you feel most alive?

That wise part of you, that has weathered many storms, grown stronger and has a lifetime full of wisdom to share, has something to say.
Let’s listen to her.

Let’s connect.

Schedule a free discovery call.